ERBF Sponsored Educational Symposium

“How to overcome research barriers on rare bone conditions” will be the main topic of our Sponsored Educational Symposium at the ECTS Congress 20228th May | 13.30 | Auditorium 101.

The whole research process entails various steps and demands collaboration. Researchers, clinicians and patients often encounter multi-level barriers in the development and/or execution process.

How to overcome these obstacles is an ongoing challenge. Involving a multi stakeholder group, we will debate on how to overcome them , prioritizing real needs. For more information, please visit the ECTS website here.

Meet the Speakers:


Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra
Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra

Stay tuned to learn more and to be updated with the latest news about the ERBF Sponsored Educational Symposium and participation in the congress.

Visit the European Rare Bone Forum for more news and information on Rare Bone Conditions here

European Rare Bone Forum